How to make Cheesy Garlic Bread Recipe

How to make Cheesy Garlic Bread Recipe

Hi guys! I'm laura Vitale on this episode of Lauren in the kitchen I'm going to show you finally! how to make garlic bread and it has been so highly requested I thought ok long enough I'm just going to get down to it now this recipe is a recipe near and dear to my heart its the recipe we use in our restaurants for many years it's a recipe my father came up with and I still use it to this day I absolutely love it.

How to Make Cheesy Garlic Bread Recipe 2020

It's easy it's simple but its the ultimate ok before we get started let's go read the ingredients your gonna need some whole cloves of garlic that have been peeled some fresh parsley some shredded mozzarella how you can use provolone some freshly grated parmesan Reggiano olive oil salt pepper and of course you're going to need some bread and I'm using just a loaf of Italian bread just like this and it's that simple now first thing we are going to do is to get you oven to 400 degrees get that ready for you second thing you're gonna cut your bread in this is how my father taught me how to cut rolls years and years ago like 14  when he taught me.

how to Make Cheesy Garlic Bread Recipe See full videos

You take your roll and every roll will have a flat side in the side that's a bit more rounded and the flat side its rounded at the site gonna cut in you not to cut all the way gonna cut it like so it opened up like a book you just start right up here the sharp serrated knife and then you just make one big swoop and there you have your perfectly cut bread at this is what you gonna need and that's ready okay so set that aside fan it out set that right there don't worry about it now in this little tiny little food processor you can also make this in a blender this would definitely work in a blender you can add a whole bunch of garlic some fresh parsley and what we're making if like garlic oil and this garlic oil we used for everything I make my base for my garlic bread with this i toss garlic knots and brush on top of a focacha roll so so good you can use it to saute things this just might go to garlic oil and if you want to you I will make a separate video on and just on the garlic oil so you can always go back to being just that recipe so let me know if you're interested in that but here he also want to add a olive oil and it's gonna take about a quarter to a half a cup olive oil and it's not gonna be super look what do you like its gonna have a good texture to it which is exactly what you want for just put that right in there and now it's time to cover this and give it away so here we go the that looks good to me now I'm just going to pour this into a little ball like well should probably have that too alright that's okay that had a skit you take your garlic oil that's not just a so amazing it smells fantastic in going to smear this on your bread on both sides and you're probably not going to be using the whole thing but I'm telling you keep this on hand in your fridge for any time you just think despite something up just give this a nice smear that looks incredible to me already brings back a lot of memory I now I'm just going to close the gap and bracket aluminum foil and I have my other preheated 400 I'm gonna put near for about minutes self nachdem except Harry go that been any other format panini 400 great snubbed currently already and now I'm gonna kill in this cup open this up again are look at back %uh that is amazing so the next step is to take your shredded mozzarella or provolone or if you want to use teeth don't but I'm really don't know why you would want to because it gets so incredibly cheesy and delicious yumminess I don't know why you wanna skip the step but just sprinkle this all over the top begin doing generously or stingy as you like I vote for generously but to each his own and then we're going to Great Thou I'm down to John over the top because upcoming are just some ninety and salty in fact I don't even know I had the South Africa's I mean put salt in this recipe because you don't need a for just go ahead in great from Tommy John John all over the top that's great gonna put some factor for over the top and I'm going to return it to the oven to 400 degrees for another 10 minutes or so or into the Jesus so like all knotted in between the militia now if that's not be most delicious thing you have ever seen that I don't know what is I mean bad I don't even know what to say that it it unbelievable bed probably they have to wait like 10 minutes before you can peel it up to so hot but I gotta go straight into this remove this are the highway well boy look at that and I can do want two things you can take each piece and you can cut it which is what I'm gonna do or you can just like my dad with you with it say much to everything back together and then cut it like that but I like it this way I'm such a rebel if you haven't noticed but hey hat well it's like sidestepping at the board look active beauty get now which one do i won I thing on this one now it's gonna be really really hot some that have to sit there 5-10 minutes go I did my fellow why I thank my dad in this one it's like it's got i cant if she do but the center stuff well I think that the outside has the ridiculous delicious crossed I it from making actually making it twice because it back to the first time wrapped up what a start to get crusty and I think it the second time again which like completely finished it with out of this world garlic bread you have to make this like I'm likes I did it can even talk anymore I do enjoy playing time with me to get this incredible recipe   and others got a double double double double our tickets now calm getting your Amazing BakeD Cheesy Garlic Bread Recipe kitchen make yourself until garlic bread dispatching requirement the on-field you should nothing next time about one.
How to make Supreme Garlic Bread - PIZZA HUT Style Recipe

How to make Supreme Garlic Bread - PIZZA HUT Style Recipe

Garlic bread Recipe (also called garlic toast) consists of bread (usually a baguette or sour dough like a ciabatta), topped with garlic and olive oil or butter and may include additional herbs, such as oregano or chives. Garlic bread Recipe is then either grilled or broiled until toasted or baked in a conventional or bread oven.

How to make Supreme Garlic Bread - PIZZA HUT Style Recipe 

What is Garlic bread Recipe ?

What is Garlic bread Recipe ?

Garlic bread Recipe (also called garlic toast) consists of bread (usually a baguette or sour dough like a ciabatta), topped with garlic and olive oil or butter and may include additional herbs, such as oregano or chives. Garlic bread Recipe is then either grilled or broiled until toasted or baked in a conventional or bread oven.

Garlic bread Recipe
Garlic bread Recipe